The "why" question is not all that important

Nov 20, 2015 20:31 GMT  ·  By

With all the talk about Fallout 4 modding, people forgot that GTA V was also substantially modified. Now people are asking a really difficult question. Has the GTA V Modding community gone too far?

The question is of course in jest, but it's kind of interesting to ask it nonetheless. We tend to think of mods as something useful, but the mods for GTA V are anything but that. In this case, modders have recreated the Teletubbies intro with the help of the engine. The "why" question doesn't really make sense, just that it can be done.

Now you're probably asking yourself what Teletubbies is and why that is important enough to remake it. This was a television series that ran in Great Britain before we stepped into the new millennium and it was aimed at preschoolers.

For some strange reason, this TV show or, more precisely, the intro for it became famous more than a decade later in South Korea. Now everyone knows about Teletubbies, and that is enough.

Remaking something like this frame for frame took a lot of work. It's not really the same, but that's the point of this recreation, to turn something that seems innocent into something animated with the help of the engine and violence from GTA V.

You can check the full video below and let us know what you think.