This is just one of the DLCs Capcom planned

Feb 18, 2016 18:53 GMT  ·  By

Street Fighter V is finally out, and it seems that it’s a good game, but the only thing that stops it from being a great one is the lack of a single-player campaign. That is about to change in a few months.

Previous Street Fighter games didn’t have a single-player campaign per-say, and players had to figure out what’s happening from bits and pieces. On the other hand, it didn’t really matter since this is a fighting game and it was born on arcade machines.

With that in mind, Capcom knows very well that things have evolved over time and that they need to give players some sort of a story mode that will clear up questions, and that should bridge the gap between the main characters.

There is good news, and there is bad news. The good news is that a free DLC will be released in June and it will bring a story mode. The bad news is that users will only need about two hours to finish it, even less if the player is really good.

Street Fighter V has been a success for Capcom, but they still have to fix some issues that have been spotted in the PC version of the game. In any case, you can also check our review for Street Fighter V to get an idea of why this game is exciting.