Check out Jacob in quite a few different fights

Sep 10, 2015 12:26 GMT  ·  By

Assassin's Creed Syndicate, the next entry in the action-adventure series made by Ubisoft, has just received a fresh gameplay video, this time walking fans through one of the missions in the campaign. Viewers can check out one of the two protagonists, Jacob Frye, as well as some intense combat sequences.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate introduces quite a lot of different changes to the franchise's core recipe, from not one but two protagonists, to a new Victorian London setting, and quite a lot of other mechanics.

Plenty of details, videos, and screenshots have already been shared by publisher Ubisoft, and now a fresh video has just appeared, thanks to IGN.

As you can see in the footage below, it's a simple walkthrough of a mission from the story campaign, starring one of the two protagonists, Jacob Frye.

As previously mentioned, while both Jacob and his sister Evie can approach missions in different styles, the former favors direct confrontations and intense combat.

The video portrays his preference by throwing him into quite a few brawls against enemies and Templar agents. The combo-based fighting mechanics are also showcased, not to mention the various animations possible in the game.

Assassin's Creed Syndicate is set to make its debut on PS4 and Xbox One in late October. The PC version of the game is scheduled for launch in November so that Ubisoft can work on adapting it as intended for the computer platform.