The multiplayer beta test might begin after on PC, Xbox One

Jul 13, 2015 09:45 GMT  ·  By

A few new details have arrived about the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 multiplayer beta stage, this time in the form of a seemingly official leak revealing that the test phase will be exclusive to the PS4 for five days, between August 19 and August 23.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 was revealed to the world earlier this year, alongside a confirmation that a special multiplayer beta would take place on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Afterwards, at E3 2015, Treyarch, Sony, and Activision revealed that the test phase would appear early on PS4.

After we heard last week that the Black Ops 3 beta would begin on PS4 on August 19, a photo of a voucher given to Black Ops 3 fans at the San Diego Comic-Con, via CharlieIntel, shows that the beta will take place on PS4 for five days.

Between August 19 and August 23, fans will be able to enjoy the online testing stage. It's unclear if the beta will be released on PC and Xbox One afterwards.

You can expect to see an official announcement with all the details in the following weeks, as we get closer to August and the actual online test.