The company wants to work with Origin and other services

Jan 13, 2014 08:29 GMT  ·  By

David Politis, an executive working on the Xi3 Piston, says that his company’s device is not labeled as a Steam machine because it wants to embrace and support all types of PC-based gaming experiences.

The device was the first to be unveiled by a partner after Valve announced that it was interested in creating a hardware platform that could run its future SteamOS.

He tells PC Gamer that, “We’re still friends. We still love Valve, we love Steam. We’ve gone separate directions today – that doesn’t mean we’re not supporting Valve. They’ve got 50+ million users on Steam. Why wouldn’t you support them?”

Politis believes that other digital distribution systems, including Origin from Electronic Arts, deserve the same amount of support.

Various types of Steam machines will be launched in 2014, alongside the SteamOS and the new haptic controller from Valve.