Pre-owned titles will be sold for a lower price, apparently

May 25, 2013 17:01 GMT  ·  By

A brand new report has appeared concerning the Xbox One next-gen console and how it deals with used games, this time claiming that users who get pre-owned titles won't need to pay a fee and that online checks will be needed to allow gamers to continue playing.

The Xbox One was revealed earlier this week, but Microsoft talked very briefly about an important aspect of the next-gen console – the way it deals with used games.

At first, executives confirmed that a fee would be present but soon after that they mentioned that methods were still being discussed.

Now, Polygon has posted a report from inside sources claiming that the fee will no longer be present for used games, although daily internet checks are required in order to allow Xbox One owners to play their games.

Microsoft is also considering exemption codes from these online checks for certain individuals, like soldiers that are serving in war zones without constant internet access.

No other details are known but Microsoft has confirmed that it's going to reveal actual info soon enough.