The new content introduces mech suits, genetic enhancement

Sep 3, 2013 11:42 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Firaxis working on the new XCOM: Enemy Within expansion says that it is not possible to deliver all the new content as an add-on on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3, which is why the entire game is being re-released as the Commander’s Edition.

Garth DeAngelis, a senior producer working on the game, tells Joystiq that, “when it came to the consoles, it was too big. If we wanted to deliver the same content to the console players, we had to do it this way as a standalone expansion on a disc.”

XCOM: Enemy Within introduces 40 new maps to the base game, new types of alien enemies and more options when it comes to base building.

Players will also be able to developer mech suits for their operatives or enhance them with a number of genetic upgrades.

The expansion will be launched on November 15.