The event runs until April 28, with various thematic in-game rewards to be found

Apr 24, 2014 13:15 GMT  ·  By

If you find yourself with a craving for challenges and colored eggs, look no further than World of Warcraft's Noblegarden feast.

The tradition has been long celebrated by the races of the Alliance, and the Horde seems to have also adopted it. The nobles and lords from each race hide coins, candy, and various treasures within special eggs scattered all around the landscape, and the citizenry of all major cities then starts roaming the land to find the treats, as is customary.

The event started on April 21, but have no fear, you haven't missed a thing, as it goes on through April 28, in a joyous celebration meant to bring communities together to share the joy of life and friendship.

The main celebrations are taking place in Azure Watch, Dolanaar, Goldshire, and Kharanos on the Alliance side, and in Brill, Razor Hill, Bloodhoof Village, and Falconwing Square for the Horde, as well as in Shattrath City, open to all factions as always, commemorating the shared victory against the Burning Legion.

The annual Easter copycat celebration hails its roots from ancient druidic festivals, and players can search the low-level towns for brightly colored eggs containing different prizes such as chocolate, costumes, toys, and even rare items.

The Noblegarden festival also offers a new daily quest, the Great Egg Hunt, not to mention various appropriate pieces of clothing and other items from the chocolate-hungry merchants.