Gamers will be able to choose between two exotic sets of abilities

Jul 23, 2013 16:26 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Carbine Studios is ready to reveal the final two races that will appear in its upcoming Wildstar: the Chua allied to the Dominion and the Mordesh that are part of the Exiles.

The team teases the player community by saying, “Between the Furry psychopathic mad scientist and the creepy diseased mutant, which one will you choose?”

Wildstar will take players to a new planet called Nexus, filled with technology from a lost race that both the Dominion and the Exiles would like to control in order to get an upper hand in their perpetual conflict.

The MMO uses innovative movement and combat systems and wants to deliver a faster and more engaging experience than other titles in the genre.

Wildstar is set to launch exclusively on the PC before the end of 2013.

Wildstar (2 Images)

Race delivery
MMO material
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