It is set for launch on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 12

Sep 1, 2013 08:57 GMT  ·  By

One of the many attractions of this year's Gamescom 2013 games trade fair was Firaxis' upcoming expansion to the highly-acclaimed XCOM: Enemy Unknown strategy game.

Dubbed XCOM: Enemy Within, the expansion brings new units on the theatre of war for both parts engaged in the fight, humans and aliens.

In order to highlight some of the new abilities of these units the folks over at Firaxis Games have just released a new reveal trailer called War Machines.

You will notice that both humans and aliens will have new mechanized units at their disposal, which can be customized with new heavy weaponry. Human soldiers can also be enhanced biologically thanks to the new discoveries in the genetics field.

XCOM: Enemy Within expansion will launch on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on November 12 in the US and November 15 in Europe.