Players won't disturb others during critical sequences

Jul 12, 2013 11:09 GMT  ·  By

The multiplayer mode in Watch Dogs has just received a few more details from developer Ubisoft Montreal, confirming that there will be no loading screens or lengthy matchmaking times.

Also, the online infiltration will be disabled while the player is completing story missions.

Watch Dogs promises to deliver not just a huge open world but also one where other players can infiltrate the game and pose as regular pedestrians, while trying to hack into the phone of the player.

This seamless online experience is streamlined extensively, according to Senior Producer Dominic Guay, who talked with UbiBlog.

"There’s no loading or matchmaking or waiting for a game to start. That means that every single thing in the game needed to be ready to be synchronized with the network. Every aspect of animation and physics and the AI needed to work online with other players."

What's more, while the threat of multiplayer infiltration is constant, provided you don't turn it off, Guay assured players that the online experience is suspended once they start a story mission, so that they're not disturbed.