It gives details on what players are to expect from the new gameplay

Oct 31, 2013 08:03 GMT  ·  By

Call of Duty fans will be pleased to find out that Infinity Ward gives an exclusive look at the brand new game mode where players must kill an alien hive.

Project Director Brian Bright sat down with the crew from GameSpot and talked about the new mode. Ghosts Extinction represents an all-new 4-player cooperative game mode that mixes fast-paced action, scavenging, base defense as well as class leveling.

Players will have the chance to take a look at the 3D gameplay and see how they will have to defend themselves from the numerous aliens that will be attacking from different directions.

It seems that, if users complete different challenges, they will be receiving Skill Points that can be used to unlock equipment as well as abilities within six different loadout categories.

Moreover, one will get to see that players can choose from four classes, Weapon Specialist, Tank, Engineer and Medic in order to fill a specific role.

Furthermore, Call of Duty: Ghosts will be released on November 5.