Gamers will be able to also get new Scandinavian units later

Aug 27, 2014 14:38 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Eugen Systems and publisher Focus Home Interactive are announcing that the second piece of downloadable content for their strategy title Wargame Red Dragon will include an entirely new campaign, the 2nd Korean War.

An official forum message states, “New Scandinavian models being still under work, while the (massive) 2nd Korean War solo campaign is about ready, we have decided to invert the release orders of the incoming DLCs, with 2KW coming next. This doesn't delay the Scandinavian DLC a bit, it is just about releasing 2KW earlier...”

Those who do not like the campaigns and spend their time with multiplayer matches will get access to 12 new units that can be used to dominate their enemies.

The developers are saying that they will be spread out over nations and types and will include some of the vehicles and planes most requested by the community.

The Second Korean War will take place in 1992 in Wargame Red Dragons and will include a variety of military units from the traditional allies of both involved countries, all of them based on the real world situation.

The DLC will be free, as was the first package launched for the strategy title earlier during summer.