Game will deliver large scale battles and impressive graphics

Jan 9, 2012 13:13 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Eugen Systems and publisher Focus Home Interactive have released five new rather impressive screenshots of their upcoming strategy game called Wargame: European Escalation, which is set to be launched exclusively on the PC during the month of February.

The core of the game is linked to the Cold War becoming brutally hot as the forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact meet each other in Germany as each deploys their best assets and strategies in order to break their enemies morale and units.

The five screenshots show the various hardware in action in the plains of Germany and suggest that the graphical game will deliver the graphics quality that modern gamers like while not skimping on the strategy element.

Wargame: European Escalation will deliver both a single player campaign which follows the assaults of the two side and a multiplayer mode that allows players to fight friends online.

Eugen Systems has a good record of delivering serious strategy games, from R.U.S.E. to the Act of War series.

Wargame:EuropeanEscalationScreenshots (5 Images)

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