The independent developer is looking to expand overseas

Jul 12, 2013 00:11 GMT  ·  By

Valve is reportedly considering the creation of a studio in the UK, according to a new report, which claims that the independent developer could opt to expand its office in Luxembourg.

Valve has made a name for itself not just with great games like Team Fortress 2 or Dota 2, but also with the Steam digital distribution service.

Now, while preparing the upcoming Steam Summer Sale of 2013, the studio is rumored to be studying the UK development scene ahead of the creation of a local subsidiary.

According to Develop, the studio used a recent conference to talk with local partners about its expansion plans.

Another possibility, besides creating a UK studio, would be to expand the current Luxembourg office, which currently employs only five people to maintain better relationships with European developers in regards to Steam.

As of yet, this is just a rumor.