It will introduce a new class for Tech faction and more gameplay options

Apr 24, 2012 13:53 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Ubisoft has announced that it is working on an expansion for its recent Anno 2070 strategy game, called Deep Ocean, which will be launched towards the end of the year on the PC, offering gamers new scenarios to enjoy and new gameplay options.

The Deep Ocean expansion will introduce a new Genius population class for the Tech faction and a new Tech monument linked to it, which includes both a production chain and goods for consumption.

There are also new vehicles and new industries associated with the Genius class.

Ubisoft is also including new gameplay features like: 30 new achievements, 150 new quests, rewards for each faction, a new Tsunami disaster, better energy management, underwater trading routes, better leaderboards and a new geothermal powerplant.

Ubisoft has not made it clear whether the Deep Ocean expansion will be offered only via digital distribution or also as a retail package.