The team is already working on a new update to move to beta

Oct 11, 2013 22:10 GMT  ·  By

The development team at The Creative Assembly is officially launching the fourth full patch for Total War: Rome II, which is designed to introduce no less than 175 new improvements to the game.

There are lots of changes made to the strategy title, including better Artificial Intelligence, more options to manage the food for the empire, tactical battles that last longer and involve more strategy.

A full rundown of all the improvements made to Total War: Rome II is offered on the official wiki of the game.

The Creative Assembly is already working on the fifth patch for the game, which is expected to hit beta stage in a few weeks.

The team states, "To reap the full benefits of every patch, it is recommended to start a new campaign. However, please try your old campaign and see if you benefit from anything advantageous. If not, start up a new campaign and compare the differences/similarities."