Players will have to rely on heavy cavalry and archers

Mar 7, 2013 23:13 GMT  ·  By

Developers at The Creative Assembly reveal that Parthia is the penultimate faction included in the roster for the upcoming Total War: Rome 2, giving players a chance to sweep the Roman Empire and its neighbors coming from the East.

The official faction description reads, "A confederation of tribes, Parthia is famed for its horses, nomadic horse-archers and heavy cavalry, the latter developing distinctive bronze or iron scaled armor which covers both horse and rider."

Parthia benefits from the cultural inheritance of the Persian empire but is also influenced by Greek customs, although its belief system remains linked to Zoroastrian practices.

Players who choose the new faction will be able to use heavy cavalry and horse archers to dominate the battlefield via movement.

Total War: Rome 2 launches in the fall of 2013 on the PC.