The Sony console also has a lead in terms of units sold

Feb 4, 2014 12:07 GMT  ·  By

The recently launched Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider has managed to move 69 percent of all the copies it has sold in the United Kingdom to those players who own a PlayStation 4, with just 31% of them choosing to get the experience on the Xbox One.

The numbers reported by Chart-Track and quoted by Eurogamer are interesting because the new title from Crystal Dynamics and Square Enix has already been offered on the PC and current-gen consoles.

The domination of the PlayStation 4 has been previously noted by retailers who have claimed that the Sony device sells 1.5 devices for any Xbox One that leaves a store.

The Definitive Edition of Tomb Raider is designed to offer better graphics and the same core mechanics and includes all the extra content that was launched for the game all through 2013.