The controller also has a range of 30 feet (9.1 meters)

Sep 3, 2013 09:41 GMT  ·  By

The Xbox One next-gen console can support up to eight controllers at once, according to new details posted by Microsoft, and each device will have a range of 30 feet (around 9.1 meters).

The Xbox One is set to make its debut this November, with Microsoft sharing more and more details about its next-gen console, which has seen quite a few changes in recent months after its initial announcement.

Now, a new product page for the Xbox One controller has shared a few fresh details about the actual device and the new home console.

First up, the Xbox One supports up to eight controllers at once, which is an improvement over the Xbox 360 that handled only 4 controllers.

What's more, the actual controllers will have a range of around 30 feet (9.1 meters), which is pretty similar to that of the Xbox 360 wireless controller.

More details about the next-gen console and its peripherals will appear in the near future, as we get closer to November.