The upcoming sci-fi MMO managed to raise more than 3 times its intended goal

Jan 27, 2014 10:53 GMT  ·  By

The sci-fi massively multiplayer online role-playing game The Repopulation's Kickstarter campaign just ended, raising over three times its intended goal from the 2270 backers.

Developer Above & Beyond Technologies aims to deliver a sandbox game based largely on features such as those seen in Star Wars Galaxies and Ultima Online.

The latest update comes in the form of the third alpha trailer for The Repopulation, showing some of the in-game environments and mounts, a couple of the enemies players will face while exploring the world and some PvE and PvP battles.

Latecomers that would still like to pledge their support for the game will be delighted to find out that the devs are still taking contributions on their crowdfunding website via Paypal for around 11 days, now that the Kickstarter campaign is over.

Interested players can also sign up for the beta test on The Repopulation official website.