The studio has long-term experience with complex stories

Aug 2, 2014 00:15 GMT  ·  By

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare might be more than three months away from its launch date, but the developers working on the shooter at Sledgehammer Games are willing to say that gamers who get through the single-player story will notice influences taken from such different franchises as The Last of Us and Black Hawk Down.

Michael Condrey, a co-founder of Sledgehammer, tells Venturebeat that “We saw an opportunity to deliver a really amazing narrative. We were inspired by films like Black Hawk Down and games like what Naughty Dog with The Last of Us.”

Call of Duty has been criticized for its weak single-player campaigns for a while, and Sledgehammer Games says that Advanced Warfare will show what a studio with experience in narrative can deliver.

The story is focused on battles between a Private Military Company and national armies and will include the perspective of just one soldier who goes through the horrors of the war and tries to make sense of the situations he is part of.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is set to arrive on the PC, current-gen consoles and last-gen devices on November 4.

A full reveal of the changes that will be made to multiplayer is set to take place on August 11.