See how the characters were first envisioned and how they were brought to life

Sep 11, 2013 09:17 GMT  ·  By

The fifth and final episode in the developer diary series relating to The Last of Us, the recent action adventure title from Naughty Dog and Sony, has just appeared online, going in-depth with the creation process behind the two main characters – Joel and Ellie.

The Last of Us was launched in early June and went on to gain critical acclaim for its great story, immersive gameplay, and impressive visuals for a PS3 game.

The game's release was accompanied by a series of developer diary videos that talked about various aspects, from the world, to the enemies, and more.

Now, the final episode has just been released and goes on to explain just how the two main characters, Joel and Ellie, were created, brought to life, and personalized before appearing in the actual game.