Gamers can now pre-order the game and get the Imperial Edition

Jan 29, 2014 15:37 GMT  ·  By

After confirming the existence of the Imperial Edition for The Elder Scrolls Online, the development team at ZeniMax Online is also releasing an epic 8-minute-long video called the Arrival, which focuses on the titanic battles that are the heart of the experience.

The MMO will take place 1,000 years before the events of the single-player titles in the series and will see gamers choose a race and an alliance before launching into a long-term effort to stop Molag Bal, the Daedra, to dominate Tamriel.

The development team says that the game will offer a complex quest structure, plenty of opportunities for Player versus Player combat and complex Alliance versus Alliance battles.

The Elder Scrolls Online will run using a subscription model and there are additional bonuses offered to all those who pre-order it.

Launch will take place on April 4 on the PC and in June on the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.