Players will be able to listen to all sorts of music

Jul 26, 2013 16:06 GMT  ·  By

The Crew, the upcoming open world online racing game from Ubisoft, will have different radio stations, each designed to set the mood and tone of the region the player is driving in, although custom playlists are also possible.

The game impressed quite a few E3 2013 attendants by delivering a great racing experience that's set in an online open world.

While the title tries to get players to form crews with friends and engage in impressive cooperative missions, it will also have single-player experiences and other such things.

What's more, players can listen to the radio inside their cars, as different stations are going to be included in the future game, according to Ubisoft's Soufyane Brahimi.

He mentioned on the UbiBlog that "each station will help set the mood and tone of the region the player is driving in. You’ll also be able to enjoy your own customized playlist!"

No other details have been revealed, but fans should expect more info soon enough, as we get closer to the game's launch in early 2014 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.