The series will debut in May, hopefully delivering some great fan-made content

Apr 25, 2014 22:45 GMT  ·  By

Usually, live-action adaptations of video games fail to deliver the desired experience. Be it that the special effects are lacking, the direction fails to capture the essence of the portrayed game or simply by a twist of fate, most such adaptation flop quite resoundingly.

Some of the most successful productions were fan-made shorts, such as the Deus Ex: Human Revolution film that came out one month ago.

Another example of a potentially brilliant adaptation was Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist, whose last brush with the media was when the brief tease of Ryu's past was released a while back.

The Street Fighter protagonists are no strangers of TV cameras, Ryu even being featured in a devilishly amusing Turkish car insurance commercial. We're not going to mention the full feature Street Fighter movie starring everyone's favorite underdog that finally pulls through, Jean Claude van Damme. That doesn't count.

Anyway, now the fan-made production steps into the limelight once again, unveiling a new trailer for the live-action series that is to come, showing off a morsel of Ken's side of the Ansatsuken saga.

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist will kick off in May, being initially featured via the Machinima YouTube channel. Hopefully, it's going to be great.