Disney has closed down first-party development at LucasArts

Apr 10, 2013 08:11 GMT  ·  By

Feargus Urquhart, the chief executive officer at Obsidian Entertainment, says that his company is still very much interested in working on the Star Wars universe and would like to get a chance to pitch a new game idea to Disney.

The developer tells Eurogamer that “As for Obsidian pitching a Star Wars game, or games for that matter, we would love to. Getting to work within the Star Wars world was a ton of fun and it would be great to get to do so again.”

He also says that the Knights of the Old Republic titles are praised by critics, and Feargus Urquhart also counts it among his favorites.

Disney has recently announced that it was closing down developer LucasArts while still looking for third-party development partners for future projects.