There is currently no official information regarding the title

Jan 21, 2014 17:46 GMT  ·  By

Square Enix has filed for the trademarking of The Seeds of Salvation title in the United States, current speculation points to a localization of Dragon Quest.

Square Enix has been steadily putting out Dragon Quest games in Japan, but so far no official comments were made regarding a possible western release.

At the end of 2013, Square Enix registered Luminaries of the Legendary Line and The Seeds of Salvation in Japan, the English trademarks suggesting that they will be used for the western version of the games.

Siliconera pointed out at the time that the titles use the same kind of word flow and alliteration that the Dragon Quest titles use, and that past games have been all revealed through trademarks before being confirmed.

Now the US trademark reveal comes from AllGamesBeta, further increasing the odds that Square Enix's Japan-registered trademarks were indeed meant to be used for releases in the West.

There is currently no official information regarding what the trademarked title might pertain to, but an official statement will surely follow shortly.