Learn how to navigate the new environment introduced

Oct 11, 2011 18:01 GMT  ·  By

Video game publisher Square Enix and the developers at Eidos Montreal have launched a new video for their upcoming downloadable content Missing Link, which will extend the play time for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

The new video is a walkthrough and allows the player to hear the dulcet tones of one of the game developers as he talks gamers about what they are likely to do in the new piece of content.

Missing Link will see Adam Jensen stranded on a ship during those days which were missing from the timeline of the original game.

He will have a new choice of powers, allowing gamers to try out a new set of abilities, and will need to face off against a number of new enemies.

The developers working on the game at Eidos Montreal have said that they plan on delivering more content for Deus Ex in the coming months and that an actual expansion is also a possibility.