The themes are meant to celebrate the anniversary of the first PlayStation home entertainment system

Dec 3, 2014 14:47 GMT  ·  By

Sony has released three brand new themes, one each for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita systems, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the brand.

The themes are based on the old-school look of the first PlayStation home console, and they even play the old console sound on boot up.

The first PlayStation was launched in Japan in 1994, and since then Sony has been at the top of the video game entertainment business, with the second iteration of the PlayStation family, the PS2, becoming the best-selling home console ever made.

You can watch a video of the theme in action below, courtesy of YouTube user Ray Palafox II, and see how it looks and, most importantly, how it sounds.

The retro theme is currently available on the European PlayStation Network store, titled PlayStation 20th Anniversary Theme, and it should make the jump to North America anytime soon.

The theme is available for free, and it adds a grey background to the console, alongside some vintage sounds.

Sony has also unveiled a Limited Edition 20th Anniversary PlayStation 4 unit, to be put for sale this weekend, at the PlayStation Experience event in Las Vegas.

The package includes a grey system and controller, alongside a grey camera and vertical stand.

20th Anniversary PlayStation Theme (6 Images)

20th Anniversary Theme in action
The theme has a grey backgroundIconic retro imagery