It's unclear which company might handle the project

Nov 28, 2013 23:36 GMT  ·  By

The team at Sony has registered two websites that are linked to a movie version of its recently launched The Last of Us, the impressive title created by Naughty Dog and available exclusive on the PlayStation 3 earlier in the year.

The two sites are: and, according to AllGamesBeta.

At the moment, they are not used in any way that can suggest how Sony is planning to link them to a movie based on the video game.

The Last of Us tells an emotional story set in a post-apocalyptic landscape where Joel, a grizzled survivor, needs to escort Ellie, a young girl, to safety.

The experience has been praised for its complex narrative structure, its believable character design and the atmosphere it creates.

It's unclear whether a movie based on The Last of Us would keep the same structure or would tell another story set in the same universe.