The team is not willing to make promises it cannot honor

Feb 25, 2014 07:18 GMT  ·  By

Sony says that it is preparing to make more official announcements about other third-party games that will be launched in the coming year on PlayStation platforms, including the recently released next-gen home console and the Vita.

On Twitter, Gio Corsi, who is the leader of a new group that works with outside development teams, says that Sony Computer Entertainment of America is not willing to make promises it cannot honor and that it only plans to deliver information when it has solid things to announce.

The PlayStation 4 has so far received a number of titles from studios that are traditionally associated with Sony and this year, gamers will also get access to DriveClub, which was originally a launch game, and InFamous: Second Son.

But both next-gen devices need to receive games from major publishers and from indie developers in order to remain attractive in the long term.