Get friends to sign up for PS Plus, earn money that can be spent on the PS Store

Aug 28, 2013 06:33 GMT  ·  By

Sony has kicked off a brand new promotion that's designed to get current PlayStation Plus members to invite their friends into the service by granting them special vouchers that can be exchanged for money on the PlayStation Store.

The PS Plus service is a great deal for PS3 and PS Vita owners and, considering it will be used to offer multiplayer access on the PS4, it will become even more successful.

Now, in order to increase the number of subscribers, Sony is offering special $5 (€3.74) vouchers in exchange for referring friends to the PS Plus service.

The offer is available only by accessing special emails sent by Sony to existing PS Plus members, according to NeoGAF, and is only active until September 4, so those interested should act fast.