The Vita TV might be on its way to Western markets

Nov 27, 2013 09:59 GMT  ·  By

Sony is implementing a change related to its policies for the PlayStation ID, which seems to be designed to give players more freedom when it comes to activating content on multiple portable devices.

All users can now activate up to three platforms, which means that they could use a PlayStation Vita, a Vita TV and a smartphone that can use the PSN at the same time.

Games that were acquired before November 17, 2011 can still be activated on as many as five devices, according to Siliconera.

Titles that were bought between that date and today can now be activated on one more device, increasing their original limit of two.

The fact that the policy change is linked to all PSN IDs might be a sign that Sony is interested in launching the Vita TV on Western markets at some point in the future or that it might introduce some new mobile gaming platform.