Check out the hand to hand fighting in the upcoming open world game

May 12, 2012 05:01 GMT  ·  By

Sleeping Dogs is set to offer a varied experience and now, after showing off the game's story and driving mechanics, Square Enix and United Front Games have posted a fresh video that focuses on its combat.

Quite a few open world action games try to feature multiple mechanics at the same time, but not a lot succeed in this endeavor. From what we've seen up until now, however, Sleeping Dogs shows a lot of promise.

In order to reaffirm the game's prowess, a new video has appeared that shows off the combat mechanics.

While guns will still be present, Sleeping Dogs puts heavy emphasis on hand to hand combat, evoking the style of Hong Kong martial arts movies with acrobat moves, brutal executions, and plenty of variety.

As you can see in the video above, fighting opponents will certainly deliver an impressive and quite violent experience.

Sleeping Dogs is out in August for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.