Most computers would be unable to handle the extra processing required

Oct 4, 2013 22:49 GMT  ·  By

Patrick Buechner, the general manager of Maxis, says that bigger cities cannot be implemented in SimCity because of limitations that are inherent to the game engine.

The developer states on the official site that "We’ve put months of investigation into making larger city sizes, reworking the terrain maps, changing the routing algorithms of our agent-based system and altering the way that GlassBox processes the data in a larger space."

If sizes are increased, most systems will be unable to handle the extra data that needs to be processed.

Buechner says that Maxis will work around the problem by making sure that core game mechanics are improved and that players are able to use cities within a region to create a functional urban ecosystem.

Apparently, a new update for SimCity might give gamers the possibility to run the game offline, something that has not been possible since launch.