Developer Portalarium Inc. releases the second backer-only alpha build this week

Jan 20, 2014 08:20 GMT  ·  By

Richard Garriott's upcoming role-playing game Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues has reached $3 / €2.2 million in crowdfunding, and is preparing to launch its second backer-only alpha test.

Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is an effort to bring a modern adaptation of the classic fantasy role-playing experience of the Ultima series, offering a rich and very interactive world and complete freedom.

The game's very successful Kickstarter campaign ended last April, and since then another $1.1 / €0.8 million has been raised through the game's website.

Wanting to express developer Portalarium Inc.’s gratitude toward its fans’ support and the impending launch of Release 2, the second backer-only alpha test starting this week, Richard Garriott will host a late night Video Hangout on January 23.

The second release will open the game's second town along with shopping, crafting and much more, as detailed in the latest Update of the Avatar.

Shroud of the Avatar is expected to launch in October 2014, for the PC.