Players will be able to see friends inside the game for the first time

Feb 21, 2014 08:51 GMT  ·  By

Richard "Lords British" Garriot's upcoming role-playing game Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues is getting monthly updates for its backers, and the latest one has introduced multiplayer.

After a wildly successful Kickstarter Campaign that blew right past Portalarium Inc.'s ambitious $1/€0.7 million goal, the developers have started work on the project and are delivering regular updates to the early access version of the upcoming game.

Pledges for backing up the game and gaining early access are still open on the Shroud of the Avatar website, for 45 more days, until April 7 when the one-year grace period since the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign ended expires.

The newest update adds multiplayer, allowing players to finally see how other potential friends and enemies look inside the game, along with chat and friend-finding systems, and additional content updates include the new village of Braemar, improved crafting, and access to merchants to sell items.

The full list of additions can be found in the latest Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter update.