The first season continues on January 21 with Episode 6

Dec 10, 2012 10:40 GMT  ·  By

A fresh trailer has just appeared and it shows off the second half of the first season of Spartan Ops, Halo 4's special cooperative mode that relies on weekly downloadable episodes to keep the story going.

343 Industries and Microsoft confirmed over the weekend that the first season of the Spartan Ops mode would be going on a hiatus over the winter holidays before returning towards the end of January with its last five episodes.

Now, in order to tease what sort of things happen in the rest of the first season of Spartan Ops, a trailer has just surfaced, cut from the 2012 Video Game Awards that were held over the weekend.

In the footage above, you can see quite a lot of story fragments and some of the characters you've already met during the first five episodes, as well as some that you have yet to encounter.

Spartan Ops Episode 6 will be released for Halo 4 owners for free on January 21.