The canceled expansion for the third game will still be made

Jul 22, 2013 12:51 GMT  ·  By

Saints Row 4 is set to appear in August and developer Volition has already confirmed that an expansion will be released 45 days after its launch, in the form of Enter the Dominatrix.

Saints Row fans remember that the third installment in the series was supposed to get an expansion with the same name but, due to THQ's problems, the publisher decided to turn the DLC into a full-blown game.

Now, it seems that Volition still wants to release the DLC for Saints Row 4, as Enter the Dominatrix will feature behind-the-scenes documentary footage with the characters themselves explaining why the expansion was cut from the third game.

What's more, according to Volition's Comic-Con panel, via GI, the resurrection of Johnny Gat will also be explained by the game's regular story, so fans shouldn't worry about a poor job in terms of plot.

Saints Row 4 is out on August 21 in North America, and August 24 in Europe, for PC, PS3, Xbox 360.