The long awaited expansion is finally out for owners of the game

Oct 23, 2013 08:34 GMT  ·  By

Saints Row 4 owners can download the Enter the Dominatrix expansion for their game starting today, October 23, on the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

Saints Row 4 came out back in August, delivering a new type of experience in the series that entertained lots of fans.

The game was initially set to appear just as an expansion for Saints Row 3, but it evolved to a new, full game.

Now, developer Volition wants to bring its original vision for Saints Row 4 to life in the form of the Enter the Dominatrix DLC.

The studio has confirmed on Steam that the add-on will be released globally today, October 23, at around 2am PT (9am GMT) across the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 platforms.