The team is getting ready to unveil its new first-person shooter

Mar 4, 2013 09:59 GMT  ·  By

Jason West, one of the co-founders of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game concept is rumored to have left developer Respawn Entertainment, where he had been working on a new shooter franchise with Vince Zampella.

Two sources with knowledge of company matters are telling Kotaku that West left because of family related matters and has not been involved with Respawn since May of 2012.

The development team suggested that it was ready to show its new first-person shooter project, which will be published by Electronic Arts during E3 2013.

Jason West and Vince Zampella were the core developers working at Infinity Ward, and they were let go by Activision in 2010.

Since then, they have been involved in a complex trial with the company, linked to breaches of contract and unpaid loyalties.

Despite the loss of Zampella and West, Infinity Ward managed to launch Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.