The game is designed to explore gray areas of morality

Sep 11, 2013 09:52 GMT  ·  By

Sam Houser, one of the leaders of Rockstar and a co-founder, says that Michael from the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most interesting characters that his company has ever created.

The GTA V developer’s statement to VG247 says that, “We liked the idea of a protagonist retiring with a family, and how awful that would be. We’ve never done anything like that and you don’t really see it in games – to feed into these concepts of parenting and pseudo-parenting.”

GTA V is an exploration of three unique characters who interact in and around the city of Los Santos in a series of linked stories.

This is the first time that Rockstar has ever used more than one main character for the title in the series.

GTA V will be out on September 17 on current-gen consoles and an Online mode will be out on October 1.