The puzzle adventure roguelike explores the consequences of choice in a colorful manner

Jun 26, 2014 14:50 GMT  ·  By

Developer Spry Fox has announced that the puzzle adventure roguelike Road Not Taken will be released on Sony's PlayStation 4 console on August 6, 2014, and on the Vita later on, sometime this fall.

The announcement is accompanied by a rather amusing video, styled in the fashion of '90s commercials. It pokes some harmless fun at the cheesy adverts we grew up with and shows the comical side of the colorful and cute action game.

The devs have also shared a handful of nice wallpapers from the game, from the game's lead artist, Brent Kobayashi.

They have then mentioned that they got their inspiration for the game from the poet Robert Frost, and especially from the eponymous poem Road Not Taken, a creative work examining the theme of choice and how opting for different paths in life can affect a person.

That is precisely the theme that the upcoming game will explore, pushing its players onto various paths that will have different outcomes during each playthrough.

Road Not Taken will make its debut on August 5, on PC via Steam and on the PlayStation 4, while the PlayStation Vita version of the game is currently set for release sometime later, with a fall release window.

Road Not Taken wallpapers (7 Images)

Road Not Taken
Road Not TakenRoad Not Taken