The team is improving the server and client side tech

Aug 26, 2013 15:12 GMT  ·  By

Developer Respwan Entertainment says that it wants the entire Titanfall experience be specifically designed to limit latency from the controls and lag from servers as much as possible in order to make the gameplay smooth and responsive.

Drew McCoy, a producer working on the shooter and MMO mix, says that his team is constantly testing the game to make sure no new lag appears.

He tells Digital Foundry that, “If there's a couple of frames of animation in there before it starts, like a reload or a jump animation or whatever. We want to make sure there's nothing in the way of that happening as soon as you press the button.”

Titanfall will introduce narrative elements inside complex multiplayer-focused battles, and the competitive side of the game can be affected if it takes too long to respond to player commands and react to actions.

The game will be launched on the PC, the Xbox One and the 360 in early 2014.