The team wants to keep graphics consistent across platforms

Mar 19, 2013 22:07 GMT  ·  By

Developer Slightly Mad Studios announces that its upcoming Project Cars racing title will offer 720p graphics quality on the recently launched Wii U home console from Nintendo.

Andy Tudor, the creative director working with the team, states for NowGamer, “We always prefer to aim for 30fps generally in order to keep gameplay-specific features like having more cars on track or better weather effects.”

The 30 fps will be shared across all platforms and it seems that higher resolutions will be used on consoles other than the Nintendo Wii U.

Project Cars will be offered on the PC, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.

The game is expected to launch in late 2013.

The Slightly Mad title aims to use a variety of vehicles, from karts to the latest supercars, and simulate a wide range of racing environments.