The two special applications will appear for the 3DS quite soon

Dec 30, 2013 09:25 GMT  ·  By

Nintendo has offered a new statement about the upcoming launch of the Pokemon Bank and Poke Transporter applications for the 3DS handheld console, confirming that more information will be shared as soon as possible.

Nintendo released back in October Pokemon X and Pokemon Y for the 3DS portable console, experiencing huge sales thanks to the many fans of the long-running series.

For the winter holidays, the company wanted to surprise these fans with two special applications called the Pokemon Bank and the Poke Transporter, which were designed to import Pokemon from earlier games in the series.

Unfortunately, due to the extreme strain suffered by the eShop and the online services for the 3DS or Wii U, Nintendo had to delay the whole release.

Now, the company confirmed on Twitter that it is going to "share more information about the launch of Pokémon Bank and Poké Transporter as soon as possible."

No exact date has been given, so it's still unclear when the apps will launch.