The streaming tech will change the way titles reach players

Jan 24, 2014 01:16 GMT  ·  By

Ian Chambers, the leading digital officer working at United Kingdom based retailer GAME, says that his company sees the recently announced PlayStation Now service from Sony as a good way to push the industry forward.

He tells MCV that, “We view it very much as an opportunity. Since the launch of subscriptions to services offered by Microsoft and Sony, GAME has been fundamental to their success.”

PlayStation Now is powered by the technology that Sony acquired alongside Gaikai and is designed to allow players to experience titles via streaming, with no elements of the games running locally.

At the moment, the company plans to launch the service in North America in the summer after a short beta period.

At first, it will only be offered on the PlayStation 4 and the Vita, but it will then be expanded to cover mobile devices, tablets and television sets.