Sony is more interested in core gamers than Microsoft

Oct 24, 2013 13:56 GMT  ·  By

Tommaso De Benetti, a community manager working at the developer of Resogun, says that the PlayStation 4 from Sony is a more attractive device than the Xbox One from Microsoft.

DualShockers quotes him as saying that this is not an official company position, but simply an evaluation of how the two platforms are being promoted by their creators.

The Housemarque employee states, “for the PS4 games come first, then there are other forms of entertainment. Because of how they’re promoting it, I think the PS4 looks more attractive when viewed by true core gamers, isn’t it?”

A number of smaller developers have said that the PS4 is a better home for their games, despite the extensive program that Microsoft has launched to attract them.

Both home consoles will be out in November and Resogun will only be offered on the Sony device as a download.