Check out The Elder Scrolls Online, Driveclub, and Killzone in real life

Oct 15, 2013 14:14 GMT  ·  By

Sony has just posted a brand new commercial for its upcoming PlayStation 4 next-gen console called Perfect Day, showing off lots of new live action sequences from games like The Elder Scrolls Online, Driveclub, or Killzone: Shadow Fall.

The PS4 is set to debut in November and Sony has already promoted the new console through different ads and commercials, like the first Greatness Awaits one that made its debut in summer.

Now, a new video called Perfect Day has just appeared online, showing two gamers engage in different live action sequences from titles that will appear for the PS4.

From battling in The Elder Scrolls Online, to racing and crashing in Driveclub or shooting each other in Killzone: Shadow Fall, the gamers go through different sequences, all while singing a song.

The video is pretty good and should certainly pique the interest of potential PS4 buyers.